Pain Relief Treatments

Lower back pain can also be accompanied by a variety of symptoms, some of which indicate very serious problems. Do you currently have or have you ever had:

  • Back or leg pain with coughing or sneezing?
  • Pain in the hip, buttock, thigh, knee or foot?
  • Morning stiffness?
  • Leg pain with numbness, tingling and/or weakness?
  • Difficulty standing up after sitting for any period of time?
  • Pain after extended walking?

If you’ve answered “yes” to any of these symptoms, it’s time you got help from a one of our doctors at The Dublin Chiropractic and Disc Centre.

Pain Relief Treatments

Get in touch with us and book your visit today.

Here are some causes of low back pain:

Facet syndrome low back pain (aka: back sprain)

Facet syndrome low back pain (aka: back sprain) is most often brought on by an abrupt injury, often following years of back neglect, and results in pain and stiffness and sometimes difficulty when walking. Chiropractic care generally works great for this type of low back treatment.

Muscle and ligament strain low back pain

Muscle and ligament strain low back pain is most often caused by poor posture or an old untreated back injury. Symptoms are chronic backaches with occasional spasms. We find that the best type of low back treatment for this type of injury is by our Core Stabilisation System.

Sacroiliac syndrome low back pain

Sacroiliac syndrome low back pain occurs from an abrupt injury or movement and is felt as a sudden pain in the hip area. You may have trouble changing positions and the pain can be unbearable. Sacroiliac syndrome is sometimes difficult to differentiate from a facet syndrome or even a disc herniation. We find that spinal scans are beneficial to rule in/out differentials. Chiropractic care generally works fantastic for this type of low back treatment.

Herniated discs

Herniated discs are brought on again by a sudden movement, often an accident or lifting on top of general wear and tear and may cause severe pain in the back, neck radiating down arms or legs. It takes quite a while to build up and may take quite a while to get better. This type of low back treatment may be addressed by our non-surgical spinal decompression systems.

Scoliosis (curvature of the spine)

Scoliosis (curvature of the spine) is most common among teenage girls. It is important that it be screened for after the age of 13. Our doctors can show you how. While symptoms mayor may not occur, the long term effects can be quite considerable.

Is Low Back Pain Serious ?

If it makes life more difficult for you, that’s serious in itself. Even if the symptoms go away in a few days, you haven’t really gotten rid of the problem. It will most likely return and, if left untreated, could be more debilitating the next time. Which is why everyone should have their low back pain treatment from a one of our doctors at The Dublin Chiropractic and Disc Centre? Low back pain treatment is our expertise.


FINALLY ! There is New Technology In Dublin, Ireland That Doesn’t Just End SEVERE Pain From Herniated Discs, But Helps Your Body To Start Regenerating Them…As quick as Possible.

Doesn’t matter how bad your pain is, how long you had it, or how many other failed treatments you’ve had !

Sounds to good to be true ? Here is proof !

When you have a herniated disc, compressive forces cause your spinal bones to come together, basically devastating your disc.  The space in between your bones decreases and the soft jelly-like disc materials squeezes out. The disc material that leaks out is called a herniated disc or a protruding disc, or and extruded disc and this squeezed out material can cause severe pain, numbness and tingling in your back, neck, arms or legs when the disc material pushes into and pinches the nerve. So here’s the logic: if you could slightly pull the compressed spinal bones apart, that would open up the space, take the pressure off of the disc, the disc bulge comes off of the nerve and solves the problem, makes sense?

How do we accomplish this?

Historically, doctors have been trying to do exactly that with traction. Problem is that with traction has been proven to be rarely effective and often hurts. Traction rarely works because when you have a herniated or bulging disc, because the area is injured and when you try to move, your muscles go into spasm.  Spasm is your body’s way of trying to protect you from causing further injury.  That’s why traction is painful and ineffective.  As soon as the traction starts, your muscles overprotect the area by muscle spasms.

Here’s the good part:  Now there is newer technology that outwits your body’s natural spasm reaction.  In other words:  It tricks the body!

This technology is called Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression and here’s how it works…

Spinal Decompression is radically unlike from plain traction because it has advanced computerized technology that actually senses your spinal muscles.  When it starts to gently pull, it immediately knows when your spinal muscles start to contract and it stops pulling.  As soon as your spinal muscles relax, it starts pulling again.

The amazing thing is the computer settings avoid muscle contractions so early, you don’t even know what is going on. Translation: you don’t feel any pain !  In fact, the only thing most people feel is gentle pulling, gentle vibration, and NO PAIN !

But even better part is:  Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression is able to lightly decompress your spinal bones which in many cases, actually moves that disc bulge back into the disc, rehydrating the injured disc so that it can heal as you would expect.

The treatments are pleasant and straightforward.  All you have to do is lie down, listen to your favorite music or take a snooze.  The astonishing technology does everything while you simply unwind the pain !

Treatment features: 

  • Is non-invasive so it does not have the dangerous risks of surgery or injections.
  • For most patients it is 100% painless… in fact most patients fall asleep during their sessions !
  • Gets to the root cause of the problem and helps it heal logically !
  •  Works Fast !  most  patients get relief after a handful of treatments – some even after the initial !